June 24, 2014

Article : Taeyeon/Baekhyun first worked together on TTS's Twinkle MV... Their young looks spotted


1. [+311, -7] Baekhyun's interview: "I want to promise this to the
members. Even if we get a lot of free time, we'll only go to our
home, hang out with guy friends, or do some exercise. To be
honest, we're not at the time to be "enjoying" yet... Maybe we will
went we're thirty-five...? I don't want my members to lose the
mindset of "I should become like this" I don't want to see EXO's
corruption because of that kind of issue."

2. [+279, -16] Didn't Baekhyun say that he wanted to promise with
the members not to date until they're thirty-five? ㅋㅋㅋ Oh so
he's thirty-five at least, huh?

3. [+114, -5] Baekhyun was a trainee back then

4. [+21, -11] It's fun to see the desperate cries of freaking fans ㅋ

5. [+19, -11] They're pretty and handsome, of course they would
date... ㅋㅋ

Pann : Of course, idols ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ A picture of Baekhyun and Taeyeon kissing

1. [+334, -4] Why don't you let me defend you, Baekhyun

2. [+277, -13] Baekhyun is the king of being a hypocrite. He has
scandals of Mentholatum, autistic person statement, and underage
drinking. He only trained for 7 months, got into EXO, and is
screwing up the group. He was driving on the day Wu Yifan sued
SM ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He was toying with fans and was showing off his
relationship. Did he lose his rookie mindset after getting all the
daesangs and being called "a trend"? And Dispatch barely releases
pictures like them but the reason why they released a kiss picture
is because they have something else bigger. SM negotiated to
confirm their relationship for not releasing those pictures ㅋㅋㅋ
You think your fans are stupid when we're the ones who bought a
millions copies of your albums, doing streaming and votings,
right? Asshole with a dirty past, your fans are the ones that made
you popular but you were toying with your fans and I'm fucking
mad at how other ten members, especially Joonmyun, have to deal
with all this. I'll fucking watch how long you'll last.

3. [+201, -8] Isn't it wrong to do stuff like this (refer to photo) with the fans' gifts?

4. [+94, -1] Fuck Byun Baekhyun, you have to beg your members
until your hands and feet get old. Especially you have to crazily
beg to Kim Joonmyun. So your "we are one" was all lie? Do you
think Joonmyun trained for 7 years for this bullshit when he knew
an idol life was short? Do you think Joonmyun kept saying "I
believe in my members" for this bullshit? You shouldn't have done
this, Byun Baekhyun. Imagine how Joonmyun feels to be betrayed
by the members he trusted. The M leader was the first traitor and
another dongsaeng who was the most popular and the mood
maker, became a second traitor ㅋㅋㅋ Do you think Jongin was
dancing while grabbing his injured waist for this bullshit? Byun
Baekhyun, you're not that thoughtless.

5. [+85, -0] Honestly I think the biggest victim of this scandal is
Joonmyun. He went through the hard seven years of not debuting
and he finally did and were called the trend, but Wu Yifan and
Baekhyun ㅋㅋ I'm so disappointed with Baekhyun for toying with

Pann : This explains the dating scandal

The thing we're butthurt is not about the fact that Baekhyun and
Taeyeon are dating, but it's that they were using their fans for
their relationship. We're not mad about them hiding their
relationship, they were calling each other on their SNS, writing
EXO as ㅌㅇ, and he was the one who said he won't date until he's
35 but he's the first member to be caught in a dating scandal.
They confirmed their relationship so the Inkigayo attutude
controversy was true, so they deserve criticisms for that. Another
thing is that while the fans were suffering Wu Yifan's lawsuit, he
was going on a date in an open car and was laughing. Lastly, he
has a lot of controversies like Mentholatum, underage drinking,
autistic person, and etc but now he's caught in a dating scandal.
This is why we're mad. We're not like "Baekhyun is too good for
Taeyeon, they need to break up"
Two young people are dating, why should we stop them? This is
not the point. We're upset with Baekhyun's attitude to fans. We
wouldn't have been mad if Baekhyun was a clean person in the
first place.
1. [+274, -258] I wish EXO flops

2. [+216, -3] I seriously agree... Do they really think we're
complaining about them dating? He thinks fans are stupid

3. [+168, -12] Ah seriously ㅋㅋ Really agreed. I just hate both of

4. [+46, -2] I'm an EXO fan but I just wish EXO would flop. They're
always on their phones, Instagram and showing off their driver
licenses. Joonmyun is the only one who doesn't have an Insta and
a driving license. At a fansign, a fan asked him why he wasn't on
Insta and he made a complicated face and asked the fan if she
wanted him to have one. The fan told him that she wanted to see
him on it and he thought for a minute and said he'll think about it.
The only trustful one is the leader...

5. [+46, -2] Good people get praises than criticisms for sure, like
Tiffany, Nickhun, Yoona, and Seunggi.

6. [+38, -0] I heard that Baekhyun and Jongdae had the same
training time but Baekhyun is doing all this bullshit alone ㅋㅋ ㅋ
ㅋ This is the difference, tsk tsk

Pann : Fuck, Byun Baekhyum, enough

(TN: Some K-fans call him "Baekhyum", "hyum" means gross or



1. [+438, -34] Baekhyum, I heard that your Kakaotalk status is "I
feel relieved" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You've worked hard, you can now rest

2. [+395, -12] He also hit Sehun's head a bit


3. [+334, -11] Baekhyun's facial expression is no joke ㅋㅋ I don't
think Sehun takes it as a joke. Imagine how hurt that is, he's
completely grabbing the skin, fuck

4. [+93, -4] I don't think he's just joking. Sehun's facial expression
looks cold and he shakes Baekhyun's arm off. And grabbing the
skin and hitting the head is just joking? But it's pissing Sehun off.
A joke is something that the other person can laugh at. Fuck why
is he doing that to innocent Sehun? Once a delinquent, forever a
delinquent. Fuck it's the end of you.

5. [+89, -9] Our dog, where did you mingle with the girl? M has
five members, let's also make K five. I don't want EXO to be ruined
just because of someone

I dont know how would Sehun feels after that...T-T

Kris to start his promotions in China

Article : EXO Kris starts Chinese promotions... He will do
a public project with Fan Bingbing
1. [+14394, -912] A jerk who threw his members away and a jerk
who threw his fans away. They're the same.

2. [+9835, -420] We don't want to see him. He must be crazy

3. [+9563, -495] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I guess these kids' job is to cause

4. [+8385, -408] These fans are pretending to believe Kris after
Baekhyun's scandal

5. [+8118, -1532] What's with these fangirls saying that Kris is
better than Baekhyun? You should've sided with Kris in the first
place like I did ㅋ

6. [+1525, -49] Kris and Baekhyun... What did other EXO members
do to deserve that? Way to affect your fellow members

7. [+1454, -76] Why is this guy EXO?

8. [+1427, -63] He's not EXO Kris anymore ㅋㅋ I've never seen
someone who betrayed so obviously

9. [+1341, -91] I hope they stop making it hard for Suho

Pann : Kim Taeyeon can't refute this ㅋㅋ

11:11 = it's a meaningful time for lovers
Taeyeon is kissing "light", and Baekhyun's power is light.
1. [+286, -17] She said she was depressed but did she get a
disease of being an attention whore? Did she really want to show
that she had an EXO boyfriend? These things keep coming out.
The light part might be far-fetching but if it's true, then it'll give
me chills
2. [+229, -11] I thought she was just a fox but she's just a crazy
bitch. How crazy did she get to do that ㅋㅋㅋ Ugh... pathetic. I
even pity her now ㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+200, -11] Woah it's so shocking that I used to like her, fuck ㅋ

4. [+95, -0] Couples usually send pictures of 11:11 to each other
to express love. Taeyeon's 11:11 picture is from an Android clock
but her phone is iPhone. And the clock's location says Bangkok
and EXO was promoting in Bangkok at the time. So Baekhyun
must've sent the 11:11 screencap to Taeyeon, and Taeyeon posted
the picture on her Instagram to pretend that she's thinking of her
fans. The reason why she's kissing the light is because
Baekhyun's super power is light ㅋㅋ And she still denied that she
was fooling her fans. She should've at least stayed quiet, how low
did she think of her fans to lie? Did she think her fans will say "ah
so that was the truth, have a good relationship~" if she posted
those stupid apologies? EXO fans worked together and made the
slogan banner for EXO because the fans were worried for the
members after Kris' lawsuit but they were using the banner for
their relationship. Baekhyun was doing "ㅌxㅇ" and Taeyeon was
so desperate to show their relationship off. They match well. How
did they even manage to behave like that? Such idiots...
5. [+47, -1] I'm getting chills at her kissing the light. I'm getting
more chills at 11:11. Taeyeon, when is this going to stop? This is
fucked up enough. I think the truth of you can stop coming out
6. [+45, -0] Those who are seriously depressed don't show their
depression like her ㅋㅋ To me, she only looked like she wanted
people to know that she was depressed.

Pann : Did you guys see Baekhyun at Inkigayo?

There were many fans who were at Inkigayo. To summarize the
matching points,

- He didn't even glance at the fan seats
- When they were waiting, he was singing and dancing with other
three MCs except Suho
- At the end, he left without greeting the fans

- He continuously said hi to fan seats
- He was practicing his script when they were waiting
- He greeted the fans until the end


1. [+87, -4] Am I the only one who's frustrated with international
fans? Things get translated into English but do they not
understand or are they just stubborn? They keep pulling bullshits
of "12-1=0" and "Baekhyun we will always support you"

2. [+72, -5] I was awed at Suho practicing his script... Joonmyun
has a different mentality... I'm fangirling EXO (except Baekhyun)
for Joonmyun

3. [+72, -4] He must be pissed ㅋㅋㅋ So we have to like you for
whatever you do? This guy is total trash ㅋㅋㅋ I can't help but

4. [+36, -0] Didn't Baekhyun say that Suho was too serious with
his tasks? It's much better than taking tasks as a joke like you're
5. [+28, -0] He doesn't even realize his mistakes

6. [+25, -0] His fans are turning their backs on him, shouldn't he at
least try hard until the end?

7. [+23, -0] When he was singing "O pilseung Korea", he sang it as
"oh oh oh oh" instead of "oh oreh oreh" ㅋㅋㅋ He knows about
oreos... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Pann : Baekhyun-ah, you should learn from this

Joonmyun has always been using the grey bag since he was a
trainee and until his debut era. Fans wondered why he was using
the bag so much, and the bag turned out to be the first gift he got
from his fans.


1. [+171, -5] What's cooler is that his hobbies are golf and biking,
his home is in Apgujung, Siwon's old neighbor, he said he bought
food for his members to lead them, and Jongin also said
Joonmyun bought him delicious food during their 5 years of
training. On Showtime, Kyungsoo pointed at a hot dog and
Joonhyun quietly pulled out his credit card. He's rich but he never
shows it off and he even denies that he spends a lot of money for
the members. Honestly he could get tons of other bags with
sponsors and his own money but he used the bag for the fan's
kindness. The gap between someone who knows how precious his
role is and someone who doesn't know is very big.

2. [+159, -15] We don't even need to mention their personalities
because their looks are at different classes ㅋㅋㅋ Byun Baekhyum
has cheap looks, don't compare him to Joonmyun. I always
stanned K without Baekhyum and whenever I said Baekhyum
wasn't handsome, these Baek fans were coming at me so I didn't
mention his looks but now I can. Baekhyum, you're a shame of
SM. How did the casting manager cast him when his face was
freaking ugly? The manager and Baekhyum need to hold hands
and leave SM ㅋㅋ

3. [+132, -9] Wow ㅋㅋㅋ He's so different from Byun Baekhyum
who thinks his fans are money givers. Joonmyun-ah, I love you ㅠ

4. [+52, -1] Seriously Joonmyun is modest... But Byun Baekhyun-
ssi said, "Suho hyung is too caged because of his long training
time. I want to break the barrier" ㅋㅋㅋ Who are you to say that,
Byun Baekhyun ㅋㅋㅋ Do you think 7 months and 7 years are the

5. [+37, -1] I'm so dumbfounded with Baekhyun's interview that
mentions Suho ㅋㅋ Oh so you were frustrated because Joonmyun
was too caged? Is that why you opened up the open car? ㅋㅋ

6. [+34, -1] I'm not an EXO fan, but I had good impressions on
Suho and Kai and I didn't have good impressions on Baekhyun and
a few other members. But my friend told me that Suho was the
most unpopular member and Baekhyun was the most popular one.
I was really surprised and this broke out... If you're a good person,
you'll get recognized in the future.

7. [+31, -0] Oh My God Joonmen... I wish the best for Kim

8. [+26, -1] Also this one

Kai and Baekhyun were asked "what do you see when you reach
the top?"
Baekhyun answered, "I see a high sky"
Kai answered, "I see another mountain that I have to climb"

June 23, 2014

Pann: What we have to watch closely on Baekhyun tomorrow

Inkigayo watching points

1. Lee Yoobi and Byun Baekhyun
2. Baekhyun pretending to be a sad dog
3. Your bracelet
4. Your fucking signal that you can send her at any moment
5. Joonmyun who watches your unstable thoughts


1. [+190, -2]

all: "Live SBS Inkigayo!"
Kwanghee: "Omo~ Baekhyun-ssi Baekhyun-ssi, what is this news~~ What were the articles about!!
Baekhyun: "Haha..." (forced eye smile)
Yoobi: "Congratulations for Inkigayo MC Baekhyun's relationship! Congratulations~ (does a cute dance and claps)
Kwanghee: "Baekhyun-ssi you said you're busy but you're doing everything~~ Omo omo I'm so jealous! I wanna be EXO, too!!!"
Baekhyun: "Haha... Hey let's stop making fun of me and introduce these guys. ___ is singing!"
all: ___~~~ (song's name)
Kwanghee: (with a fade-away voice) "I'm so jealous, I'm so jealous! Let me be EXO, too~~~"

(God Suho has no line because he's shivering beside them)

2. [+164, -2] He'll pretend like he's so confident

3. [+162, -7] I feel bad for Joonmyun the most. He'll believe that the trash is a member ㅋㅋㅋ Joonmyun must be so hurt

4. [+70, -1] Aigo, how did you even host with Yoobi? Taeng wasn't jealous? He'd be so scared to be an MC

5. [+42, -0] Lee Yoobi's mother is the person, how can Tae something touch her? Her company is powerful, too

Pann: Byun Baekhyun-ssi doing a mission

Are you watching, ㅌxㅇ? 


1. [+336, -10] This fucker is thinking of his girlfriend everywhere ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+210, -9] Ah seriously I just find his face gross;

3. [+203, -4] Ugh, I was stupid for thinking that he was doing spoilers of "EXO-L"

4. [+36, -3] Woah Byun Baekhyun, you think your fans are idiots ㅋㅋㅋ You were posing the mission so that the fans can take pictures of it and Taeyeon would see the concert pictures ㅋㅋㅋ You think your fans are the bridge of your relationship ㅋㅋㅋ I hope all fans turn their backs and they don't earn anymore. I want them to feel how it is if their fans turn into antis and lose their popularity. How can you still think of spending money on him after seeing all this? I don't understand those who still shield them. Kim Taeyeon who was using her fans to show off that she's dating a popular idol and Byun Baekhyun who thinks his fans are idiots ㅋㅋㅋ They're similar, fuck ㅋㅋ Honestly they sugar-coat things about fans but to them, fans are no more but money givers ㅋㅋㅋ But they still hinted it like that, it shows how they think their fans are total fools ㅋㅋ Even though we fans are mad, the real money givers will still defend them. Isn't it how they think? We have no reason to like them and to support them. I hope those young and delusional fans will wake up soon

5. [+34, -0] He was on Cultwo Show radio and said he hasn't had a girlfriend for the past 3~4 years ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ